Sunday, April 20, 2014

Why I Never Got an Easter Basket

Growing up, I had friends whose parents would go all-out for Easter. They would have baskets filled to the brim with neon-colored plastic grass (what’s the deal with that stuff, anyway?!) and overflowing with candy and other “Easter” goodies. One friend had a parent who would put glittered rabbit footsteps all over the house, leading them on a scavenger hunt for their Easter baskets. Even in college, I had friends who would receive gobs of candy from their parents in Easter basket care packages.

I never got one of those.

Now, before you go calling a therapist for me about my neglected childhood, let me stop you. I’m glad I never got an Easter basket, and here’s why: that’s not what Easter is about.

I don’t feel deprived in the least just because my mom never made me a cake shaped like a bunny rabbit. In fact, I feel like I owe my parents a great deal because they made Easter about what it’s supposed to be about: Jesus, willingly giving his life for me and then, by the power of God and the power of Jesus’ sinless life, he was raised from the dead so that I could have a relationship with God.

So, maybe when we have kids one day (hopefully not too soon!) we’ll do scavenger hunts and candy baskets for Easter. Or…maybe we won’t. But one thing is for sure: we will definitely tell them about their incredible God who loves them enough to sacrifice his Son for them.

What do you guys think about the whole Easter basket thing? Did your parents make them for you and/or, if you’re a parent, do you make them for your kids? Why or why not?

Happy Resurrection Sunday, ya’ll :)

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